TGR-RE: May 28, 2010

This week’s broadcast includes:

State finances rigged in conspiracy between banks, advisers,
The media’s ‘business model’ for CEO pay,
Okla. Legislature overrides another abortion veto,
Pushy fliers may show up on TSA’s radar
Israel to stop Gaza aid ships,
U.S. Geothermal awarded Guatemala rights,
Congress moves to end ban on gays in military,
Court: Bagram prisoners don’t have Guantanamo habeas rights,
US said to expand secret military acts in Middle East,
Results of Kandahar offensive may affect future US moves
Honduran judges who opposed coup dismissed,
Israel offered to sell South Africa nuclear weapons,
Plan to privatize motorway network in UK,
Egypt: Hopes fade for US help to restore civil liberties,
Gold rising as Euro weakens sparking more speculation.

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